Authored by Alexander Magill/Edited by Mark Magill
Everyone knows the short story…The “Big Bang” explodes everything that is our Universe outwards in every direction from a single point smaller than an atom. As the years have gone by the observable evidence (to the best of our perspective ability) produces enough data that formulated Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity” & has been improved upon to the best of our mathematical abilities.
A basic picture of the Universe can be scientifically painted and described mathematically – except for it to work the “Brains” of the world named “Dark Matter” into the equations to represent the matter/energy bulk of our Universe we can’t see. “Dark Matter” became the “imaginary number” so to speak; filling in all the scientific “gaps”…a tool for developing a more accurate and definitive theory and model. If we take the sum of matter/energy of our Universe that we can observe and see; the math doesn’t work out. However by naming and labeling this stuff into older theories the math science workout.
We agree that Dark Matter “exists” and by throwing that variable into old equations; we constructed better models leading to better understanding. “Dark Matter” makes up more of the Universe than everything in the Universe as we know it. The invisible “Dark Matter” is added to the universal picture we knew. It’s very real, and whatever we call it – the result is simply a more clear and complete model of the Universe.
Philosophically, we have given a name to something that we cannot observe or explain – The Universe. It exists. It is here. Everything has an origin. Everything in the Universe that we know of (Dark Matter) was “created”. Let’s face it – we as the “entire Universe”, are here, so who or what created it/us; just call it Creator or God so we can name and picture in our mind’s eye a model of our Universe and our existence.
Let me awkwardly describe a picture of some sort as how my mind’s eye sees the Universe. From nothing and nowhere…violently explodes everything outward as super bright/super-hot matter in every direction. At first, everything is so hot the mass of our Universe has no particles we know as atoms and stuff – only super-hot pure matter/energy As the Universe expands and cools particles can now combine with each other and exist as matter that we can describe as the ingredients that are now the Universe as it/we are today.
Because of expansion, the “cooling” of our Universe allows existence as we know it: Galaxies, Black Holes, Suns; Planets, life (single-celled), and now us. Everything exists in-between everything (no two objects can exist in the same spot at the same time): time is a dimension or effect that is scientifically measurable and definable. We can’t really prove how or what it really is but it’s a product of the expansion of everything mixing and combining and changing just as people are.
It’s something we are all bound to – a part of existence as we know it. Basically the Universe as people generally perceive it is simply the combination of Length, Width, and Height (3-D) Space & Time. Just as the Universe/Space expands outward and we exist within it; we exist within time and are traveling ever forward…through it. Then there’s everything else that exists which is indefinable to us.
We see Space basically as a void of some sort. But everything is expanding outward – space isn’t just emptiness/nothing…it’s some kind of “fabric”, like time is…that exists between everything that we can define. We label this concept as a void, since even the intangible needs a phrase for it; such as “Dark Matter”, “Creator/God”, even “Time”. Space itself is something we cannot explain. Space is more than just an “empty vacuum of nothingness”.
As the Universe expands outward and “cooling” as we describe it, everything will eventually lose all measureable “energy” as we can define Energy/Matter as everything that makes up everything. As everything drifts further apart from everything else: The Universe shall lose its cohesion; and cease to exist “physically”. Our Universe will fade out of existence returning to a ghostly and formless list of ingredients that can never be created nor destroyed.
Not to worry – Creator/God now has the necessary ingredients required to re-create another Universe with new dimensions. I do wonder if the human concept of time can apply to the ingredients that always were and always shall be eternal. The chicken or the egg conundrum all over again but with a twist! Have the ingredients that make up our Universe always existed? All I can do is wonder! Hmm...
If everything’s so far apart from everything else (as our Universe continues expanding) it’s no longer a “Recipe of Everything”; will we be just ingredients on a shelf that will never again combine into the Buffet of Existence as we know it? The Law of Conservation says otherwise!
We know the basic laws of matter/energy. It’s here now, we can’t ever create it or destroy it – just make do with the ingredients we are given. If we think of the future as a Cold Dead Universe – a place of matter and no Energy…it can’t happen! Energy-less Universe of Cold Matter can’t exist. Everything was created. Space expands. It was super hot and heading to absolute cold. This perception is wrong.
Cooling can be described as an affect of the heating Process – I describe like hot water reaching boiling point and turning to vapor. It seems like a Heating Process is also a Cooling Process. The water particles get so hot; bounce further apart, vaporizing & loses “cohesive energy”. Just like the Universe – a thing smaller than an atom exploding super hot – bouncing ever farther apart and creating existences as we know it.
Creator/God is like water and the Universe and existence as we know it are steam. The Big Bang (creation) is like the Heat. Here it is folks. We’ll never satisfactorily describe our Creator/God. But we can agree to the existence of a Creator/God. Big Bang is what we call the fire or the heat fueling the energy that was and always will be the Universe.
That energy which fuels the fire of the Universe (Energy & Matter) and everything else that makes up everything we call existence can’t be thought as something that happened and then all of a sudden stopped. Energy/Matter can never be destroyed remember? We see the course of our Universe as “cooling” – but continually cooling the heat; it has to be eternally “on”. The heat is the Big Bang. This “Heat” is a kind of energy we cannot describe the same way as the Energy/Matter making up the Universe. But we can agree on the existence of it. We name it “Big-Bang”; the Energy acting upon the source we named Creator/God. We can agree that the effect of “Big-Bang” with Creator/God equals everything as we know it. The Universe “Big-Bang” didn’t just happen – it’s still happening; the heat is still on; but present in a way we can’t observe or conceive.
It’s somewhat like how a spark starts a fire but involved like an ingredient that is the ever expanding void of Space. This was more than just an event; it was also an ingredient. A drastically different outlook – it is more clear; more complete or true to me. To make sense – My picture of the Universe calls Big Bang “consciousness” an undeniable and measurable (I’m sure of this) form of Energy. But not like the Energy/Matter label. It’s intertwined but separate. The Recipe/Equation of the Universe is simply Creator/God + “Big-Bang”/Consciousness = UNIVERSE (Energy/Matter). But my picture of the Universe is a meal continually in preparation.
We can’t describe or define our Creator/God adequately, or even explain “Big-Bang”/Consciousness. But I think that throwing those variables in with labels we can mentally grasp into the equation of the Universe we can observe, describe, and define it more completely.
Did the chicken come before the egg, or was it the other way around? Just try to look at it my way: Creator/God + “Big-Bang”/Consciousness = UNIVERSE.
These things are all one and the same undeniably because the result is a mixture of everything. And it could only have happened in this way. I can’t see the Conscious/Energy or “Big-Bang” existing before our Creator/God.
Here’s the beginning of my philosophy: Creator/God is consciously creating/ “cooking” the Universe/Everything/Us. Let’s try to more deeply describe “Dark Matter” as an invisible fabric or “ingredient” of the Universe; a dimension or effect like “Space and Time” consisting of pure Consciousness on many different levels of scale and proportion.
With pure conscious energy: the Universe exploded into a ball of raw blazing hot blinding light-energy; too hot for any “physical” existence. As space expanded outward, eventually Energy was able to “connect” with other Energy and clump together – the beginning of the physical Universe. We can all argue about divine purpose or mathematical equations & scientific theories – but from what I can tell, the physical Universe we can see has led to life. Now the Universe being both “physical” and “living” Life leads to deeper and deeper levels of consciousness. Everything that lives now and ever lived: dies. The “Conscious Energy” we possess allow us to argue endlessly about “meanings” and “ideas” that can never really be verbally or literally expressed universally.
It's magical how matter and energy in this Universe begin to have a "life" of their own; possessing "free will" only limited by the Laws of our Universe. Life has shown us by example from first single cells to fish and people that we are born and we will die. All we can physically do is survive and hopefully reproduce – or help pass the flame of life to let continue further beyond our lives.
Our physical existence allows us to perceive of the invisible Universe. Time for example: the other invisible dimension can only be perceived by people through ideas we argue over and over yet we can never possibly “physically” prove or scientifically observe and explain. The “physical” Universe is external, but is life eternal? While we live we do our best to survive and reproduce. What happens when we die? As life continues past our own survival, the effect of our lives remains in the physical universe which we can put together into a history of life as we know it.
While we live – what we “do” with our lives affects the life that continues beyond us. The experience of living is a gift given from one generation to another.
Maybe we are incapable of defining “consciousness” as a dimension that is real. We can’t see it or hold it – but it exists nonetheless. Perhaps our individual “conscious” selves can consciously exist “metaphysically” beyond our physical existence.
If we agree that consciousness created the universe, which we experience through physical lives we inherit and genetically pass on to future generations: do we also pass our “souls” forward? Maybe the invisible dimension of consciousness we experience as individuals continues within the invisible dimensions as “souls” forever. Are we simply physical containers who are meant to live & die so that our souls gets past forward?
I also like to think of my "soul" as "codes of information"; "dimensions" created out of "nothingness". Since we cannot create "more" ingredients than that has always been in existence: creation therefore must be "made" out of "nothingness". Nothingness is simply another way of saying,"without form". My thoughts for instance: where did it come from? Did my "conscious energy" materialize from somewhere or from nowhere at all? It's amazing how my thoughts take form and become something as tangible as the very article that I'm writing! Many philosophers, religions & even scientists will argue what’s the true meaning of “soul”; but all must agree that “souls” really do exist – intangible to our observations and measurements. This is where we can discuss ideas like “Heaven”, “Hell”, and “Limbo” as real dimensions that are physically invisible.
Separate domains - like universes amongst themselves; like our Time and Space. Though separate, all domains are connected. The spaces in-between us that separate me from you, Earth from the Sun; the Milky Way from other Galaxies is a stretched “fabric”; not a void of nothing. They are just invisible to us.
I also like to think of my "soul" as "codes of information"; "dimensions" created out of "nothingness". Since we cannot create "more" ingredients than that has always been in existence: creation therefore must be "made" out of "nothingness". Nothingness is simply another way of saying,"without form". My thoughts for instance: where did it come from? Did my "conscious energy" materialize from somewhere or from nowhere at all? It's amazing how my thoughts take form and become something as tangible as the very article that I'm writing! Many philosophers, religions & even scientists will argue what’s the true meaning of “soul”; but all must agree that “souls” really do exist – intangible to our observations and measurements. This is where we can discuss ideas like “Heaven”, “Hell”, and “Limbo” as real dimensions that are physically invisible.
Separate domains - like universes amongst themselves; like our Time and Space. Though separate, all domains are connected. The spaces in-between us that separate me from you, Earth from the Sun; the Milky Way from other Galaxies is a stretched “fabric”; not a void of nothing. They are just invisible to us.
We feel things within ourselves that have nothing to do with touch, but are real to us. Take Love for example: it's an non-explainable form of energy that is just as "real" as the chair you're sitting in. This leads to the question, "why do we conscious beings even exist in the first place?". My father once told me that our purpose in life was to love. He might be right.
These “energies” within us cannot ever cease to exist merely because our physical bodies die. Our “souls” travel onward to the intangible plane of existence. The intangible spaces in between us are the domains of these invisible energies that will always be woven, intertwined & connected somehow. We feel separate from the invisible. But realize that the invisible is something real that is equally vast and ever-changing as the visible Universe.
-Alexander MagillThese “energies” within us cannot ever cease to exist merely because our physical bodies die. Our “souls” travel onward to the intangible plane of existence. The intangible spaces in between us are the domains of these invisible energies that will always be woven, intertwined & connected somehow. We feel separate from the invisible. But realize that the invisible is something real that is equally vast and ever-changing as the visible Universe.