by Donald Lee MagillWhy?
A possible answer.
Did you ever pause to think,
why humans or anything for that matter exists?
Do I have a purpose
or is their a purpose for my life?
No matter the impossible vastness of our universe
it is only a cocoon.
We are all affixed to the universe
by the complex binding of undying energy.
Undying energy is the energy of creation
which binds all.
It cannot be created,
nor can it be destroyed.
The bonds that this energy forms between itself
and all the other "pieces" of the energy of creation,
are the foundation
of all the physical aspects of our universe.
There is far more
than we can perceive
of this physical process.
We are bound in 3 dimensions,
traveling along the arrow of time.
We only feel,
that their is "more".
In truth the "more"
that all humans are tied into
are the many bonds formed.
There are more dimensions,
3 are the realm of "spirits",
the final four is the realm of
"nirvana"/ "heaven".
For me it is an undeniable fact,
that even though my physical mind
Is a biological recorder,
subject to decay.
Nirvana is an indelible recorder
of the changes to existence
for my piece of the arrow of time.
We "exist" in a cocoon,
where every moment
of time has been recorded.
Information can never be lost
in our universe.
The bonds on the undying energy of creation
guaranties this.
Before our universe came into existence,
their was a limitless potential
of energy.
A true infinity of possibilities.
Held in a perfection of geometry.
This being a virtual pair,
a "ying and yang" of energy.
In that the vibrations
of the yang are open ended
and the ying a closed loop.
The yang energy held perfectly
in the center of a loop of ying energy.
Of course this is all virtual
and only exists as limitless possibilities.
Understand this phenomena
is not an entity nor a deity but
it is the ultimate in pure intelligence.
Limitless possibilities
that exist outside
the restrictions of our universe,
no time- no space- no physical existence.
Limitless possibilities,
being everything simultaneously.
This leads to a perfection of intelligence
which can only have only one motivation.
This has been brought to humanities attention,
several times in our history,
by truly compassionate people.
This motivating factor is also evidenced
by the infusion of energy,
{eternal and no longer virtual},
into and creating our universe.
Split apart from the perfection
of the infinite paired geometry
the symmetry is broken.
Eternal energy pours into our universe
in quantities and at speeds,
that are the edges of our understanding.
This starts the arrow of time
with the possibility
that life can exist
and be self aware.
The bonds of our living universe
start to form.
As the energy expands and cools
our physical reality is set,
in the harmonic bonding of energy
into a manifold of 10 dimensions + time.
The beauty- wonder- and love
of this existence causing
a man to say that if you follow the middle path.
And maintain harmony with your existence.
If you can mesh with the nothingness
that is our true reality.
It is possible to free yourself
from being recycled
and dwell in nirvana forever.
Another man came,
he said that love
is the reason for our existence.
If we live within certain edicts,
we will reach permanence with nirvana.
Another later came to say that by living
A structured lifestyles
We could reach permanence.
I cannot follow the paths
of these great compassionate men,
very few can.
But I can rejoice,
in the fact that my grandson's laughter
will ring in consciousness forever,
in my niche of nirvana.
Our purpose is to emulate
the bonding of eternal energy,
and form bonds within our hearts
to our families, our friends.
Stretched to the ultimate,
(as it is now an undeniable genetic fact)
thats all of humanity we are tied to.
It is not against anyone's beliefs
(as far as I know)
to form the bonds of life,
with as many as you can.
So get to it.
Your wealth will not be measured
by the coins in your pocket,
but by the strength and quantity
of the bonds on your heart.
Did you ever wonder how we (humanity)
got to this point in time?
Their being an infinite number of possibilities,
we of course can only experience,
(understand) and talk about
the one possibility in which we do exist.
The undying energy that binds us all,
displays for all to see,
that its a builder.
We are built from elements
that were built in giant stars,
expelled at their death.
Two generations of this process
brought about our 3rd generation sun.
Mother earth, our mother
formed with our sun.
Our mother being just right,
had a spark (a miracle)
life self replicating.
Driven by the constant changes
In the bonds of energy,
to display all the myriad possibilities of life.
On our personal cocoon the earth
the builder- eternal energy- never stops.
Into this chain of life (possibilities)
we "homo sapiens" have appeared.
With a conscious self aware mind,
sapient and sentient.
A curse and a blessing.
To live (think) in a miracle,
the vast sea of consciousness
that is truly infinite.
(the blessing)
To be tied to the reality
of our eminent death.
(the curse)
As with all things newly made
we were few,
banded together in small groups.
The mold is set.
The pairing of two individuals,
grouping by talents,
and the interpretation of the "more" .
This became customs (beliefs) over time.
The first interpretation of all bands,
were aspects of Gia (earth spirits/earth mother).
Their intimate daily contact
with the physical world
insured this.
As these small bands merged
and grew into larger groups,
agriculture moved this interpretation to the sky.
For thousands of years the sun was the center.
Then came a period of
many deities with specific attributes.
Last the interpretation was one entity
to encompass all.
But no mater how truthful and sincere
the prophets of this interpretation,
their legacies have been fractured,
splintered beyond all recognition
by time.
I live immersed in miracles,
but their is no one to praise.
I am grateful to my core,
but their is no one to feel my gratitude.
Eternal energy has made me.
Of that I am sure.
My life is bound to this cocooned universe
now and forever,
of this I am also sure.
I will emulate the builder and
bond with life,
and give thanks to the limitless possibilities.
Did you ever think about
what is ahead for humanity?
The possibilities are limitless of course.
Maybe the question should be,
what can we (humanity) do
to survive into the future.
Invest in value.
In our day to day lives,
we judge every human
we come in contact with.
Even though,
all are different,
all tap consciousness,
all are incredible beings,
all have value.
has always been the key.
We must educate
everyone in a different way.
There are only
two things that should be taught in
a learning center.
How to get information,
and how to engage in critical thinking.
There are only
two things that should be taught in
a behavior center.
What is acceptable
and what is not (violence physical or mental).
There are only
two things that should be taught in
a morality center.
That acceptance is
the true meaning of love,
and that tolerance allows
value to blossom.
Please research my answers
to the questions,
with the current authorities
in physics, biology, anthropology and theology.
Invest in that which has value,
and build true wealth with your heart.