Thursday, November 10, 2016

How Can We Make America Great Again? Bring back the Gold Standard.

No-one realizes the true enemy of the state(Besides Dr. Ron Paul): The for profit banking cartel a.k.a.,"Federal Reserve". We Americans share a common relative - his name is Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam has a credit card issued by the Federal Reserve that gives him the power to borrow, spend and waste trillions of dollars. Here's the rub: The middle & lower class get stuck with most of the bill that we call our National Debt(18 trillion!!!). Our National Debt is so massive that we can barely pay off the interest. 
How To Make America Great Again: We must cancel Uncle Sam's credit card. We Americans can no longer afford to sacrifice our fruits of our labor to wasteful spending, senseless wars and the military-industrial-complex. If you have ever lived with a drug addict or a gambleholic then you know what it feels like to live a life of poverty & debt. Let's return to being a Creditor Nation instead of a Debtor Nation. Let's make America Great again! END THE FED. Only Gold & Silver is sound money. Everything else is just paper promises.

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