Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Only Honest Money Can Save Us!!!

November 8th, 2016 I will vote for Jill Stein(Green Party). Trump nor Hillary can save America without support from Congress. The only way to fix America is by allowing an alternative currency backed by Gold & Silver to compete. The USD is a unit of credit disguised as money. Honest money backed by Gold&Silver creates more wealth than is consumed. Fact: Fiat currency creates more debt than wealth.

The Treasury should peg the Gold to Silver Ratio 20 to 1. Maybe USPS can return to the Banking Sector;providing free minting for precious metals depositors. This United States Banking & Postal Service will also provide free checking. Only PMs deposited into an interest bearing Savings Account will be available to Loan out.
If this cannot be done on a Federal Level...than establish this Banking system at State level first. They are doing this with recreational cannabis with positive results. Only gold & silver can save us!